It has been a really long 1 month for the both of us. So many things have happen that it makes our relationship together seem so tedious yet more precious than ever. Hope to cherish it for as long as possible.
We, like all other couples, do have our fair share of quarrels (most of the time is "initiated" by me..bleahx!). Differences have also started to surface for the both of us, like way of thinking & handling things. However, as at this moment I never want to abandon this relationship.
Coz darling has been ever so supportive of me & gives me all the attention I can possibly ask for.
Almost everyday I get to see darling except for weekends (sometimes)..Most of the days its either meeting up in the morning before work or after work...in our lives there is always time for each other..this has lasted for 4 weeks straight..I know at some point in time this will gradually slow down or even subside..but still it is still a sweet memory to keep..
Most importantly, he tries to be understanding towards me..considering the many things that happen to me...till the extent that I feels he gives in to me too much (thou I don't mind being spoilt by him lahz)..I am really appreciative of it..really..Who in the right mind would break the heart of someone who puts in so much in this relationship ?
Darling, I am really not good with handling a relationship - but what matters is the effort I've put in right? =P
What else should I be complaining about?
Anyway after this 1 month together, I wish that things for both of us will start to move in a better light & at least I will never have to write on so much heartbreaking thoughts in my blog with tears filled in by eyes..
I love you, Eddy darling!! Wishing us HAPPY 1 MONTH ANNIVERSARY together!! =)
Some other pictures taken for the past weeks:
Beautiful red rose blooming ~ representing our relationship?
A cute tikuz that can move by itself ~ darling is totally fascinated by this gift by himself =P

Posing by "Corpse Bride" when something nasty happen..grrr!!
A sumptous meal @ our fav Fish & Co..burpz! =P
Comments (By Eddy) :
I do really agree that this past month has been eventful- most of it good.
this siao tikus is very supportive and sticky. don't worry. it'll continue.
More roses? maybe so bahz!!! The white tikus is very cute..! Aiyo .. you made it shouting in your bag the whole day for attention..The movie is nice though. forget abt the theatre staff. And yeah , yesterday's fish and co was great..!luckily i didn't order more, if not i would have turned green again.
Thank God for his grace and blessings on us..!I really enjoy the times being with you.. Love you Lixia!

Life is back to normal..
Quiet n peaceful..
Am I really that fortunate to have all this?
Should I be happy?
Am I asking for too much?
Will there be one day when we finally have nothing to say?
Everything topic leads to a dead end..
Every word uses so much effort n thinking..
Don't know how to express myself anymore
Tired & scared what my every word will lead to
Wondering if feelings so precious can be revived to those of the past
Will there be one day you can stand me no more?
Things that attract you to me..now seems so irk you..
Temper seems too much for you to bear..
Insecurity makes me look more foolish..
Every tear becomes more worthless than rain drops..
Will there be one day when we will part for good?
Never wanting to look back on the happy past..
Gone are the promises made & sweet words..
I wish so hard that this day will never come..
I pray..

After class, rush off to meet darling for lunch. He was very sweet - not only have to wait a gd 20 min for me but also bought my fav choc cake & cheese cake..yummz!! Cakes never tasted so good before..hehe
Aniwae too bad, darling has to rush off to work..only can have 1 hr to pei him..sadz lei.. =S
Well..lunch was good & we finally parted (unwillingly?) for work & home respectively..
But for me, instead of heading home, I went over to Peixin's house. Had a good time catching up on the good old times & did our usual (& my fav) activity..PHOTO TAKING!! =P
Wow! We sure took alot till I thought the cam was going to explode..changed alot of clothes oso..but the best part was that Peixin gave me 3 pieces of clothes..haha..Thankz gal..Muakx! =P
Below are some pics..enjoy..hehe:
However, in the midst of enjoying myself..I seem to have forgotten about darling (at least that was what he thinks so)..I keep missing his calls..Must have made him very upset..But I really din mean it & tried calling him as often as i can but I suppose it's just ain't enough coz the upset feeling has already set in?
Well..in any case, would like to apologize to darling for neglecting him in one way or another..muazk! Love ya darling!! =)
Comments (By Eddy) :
Thanks darling for having lunch with me.. it was great ..
I'm still waiting for more photos.. you owe me a total of 4 , counting yesterday's and today!

Met up with darling to start our date (super short of time..coz hv to go facial after tt..onli hv ard 4 hrs..help!!). 1st thing we did was to eat at a Vietnamese restaurant..the food there is nice..loveee almost all the food there -droolz- ..too bad din bring camera..if not I sure take photos of the food till the camera explode de..haha
Well..was really having a nice time with the food served & chatting wif darling till some disgusting aunties pissed darling off...by criticizing..grrr!! They thought we being young can't understand Cantonese..but little do they know that my darling very talented 1 hor..don't play play huh..haha (grrr!!)
Well..aniwae darling sprain his feet today..sadz.. =S
After lunch went to walk..walked into a couple of shops..saw a very cute figurine of la bi xiao xin..gosh..his eyes covered with BRA!! Haha..wat a design.. =P
Went to a bookstore..saw this fridge magnet..so nice..wanted v much to buy 4 darling de..but aiyo..that guy beat me to the cashier again..haiz~ =P
Nice & sweet phrase on it..tt it catches my attn..s my attn.. =P
So I'v to search desperately to buy something for him..wated to buy him a shirt but that guy too picky le..end up in carrefour shopping 4 groceries like bread, cakes, chocolates & etc..haha ..now reali have abit feeling of "xiao fu qi" le..haha
Then comes the most painful part of the date today..darling tried to squeeze out a supposedly pimple from my big toe…ouch!! That sure hurts..this is 1 of those time I see darling so firm with me & insist I let him take it out 4 me...woO...scary...hehe..when it could not be taken out as I was screaming in pain in the mrt station…we finally settle for plaster on my toes..phew..hehe
Well..on the whole..i must conclude that today was really one EXCITING date..haha O_o
Comments (By Eddy) :
Yup .. the Vietnamese food was great! I do of course miss the food back in CA but eating with you makes the food tastes just as nice too.
The sprain on my anklw recovered only after a week. It's ok now.
I love the fridge magnet and i'm glad that the phrase applies to us.
Yup.. treats for me are nice... yummy. I still have some of it in my fridge.
Ouch! both injured couples walking down bugis was... hmmm . just ouch.
But well .. the vietnamese food + your treat was great!

The next best thing that happen was we went to get my favourite sausage from Cold Storage..yummyz!! Makes me salivate just by thing about the smell & taste liao..haha
= p ~~~
After what seems like a long wait..we finally made it to our destination..hmm..almost could'nt make it there due to some matters..haiz~
But still...we are there...haha! =)
It was the 1st time I wear a bikini..wow..it feels so naked..but well anyway I survive all this n manage to take some photos..hmm..some of the pics came out quite good that me myself am impressed too..haha
But anyway we practically ran to start the rides of the day..wow..i sure scream the voice out of my throat but it was fun..but most importantly was SAMSUNG SLIDE UP..tt 1..i thought my internal organs are gona burst! Haha
We sat 2 rounds for that when I finally raise the white flag frantically liao..boi tahan liao..haha
Well..the rest of the afternoon was just hoping from 1 ride to another..when by the time we finally are done..both of us are totally burnt out..just short that we din SNORE on the way back in the MRT..haha
Then for the last itenary of the day, it was going to eat darling's favourite POPIAH!! Pengz ah..he is sure 1 popiah addict..1 time gulp down 3 popiahS..as if there is no tml n after that as expected his face turn green from all the gluttony..haha

Well..anyway the day ended faster than I wanted to…till next time..i look forward to our next outing... =p
Comments (By Eddy) :
Wow! This was the best day I ever had...!I probably would be the most fortunate guy in WWW that day.
1) Pretty gf wearing bikini for the 1st time!
2) Fun enjoying the samsung slide up.. while looking at lixia shout her lungs out .. that was great fun for both of us.
3) the train ride was ZzzzZzzz. snoring maybe?
4) yup .. I loveee food.
5) I'm really fortunate to have a gf that likes food too!
And of course, I look forward to such outing too again.

Anyway its mid-week...for once I feel more at ease..& surprising enough ever since school re-open for classes today is 1 day where I meet a lot of friends : my secondary mate - Peixin & Michelle, JC mate - Li Ping & one of my best buddy in school - Daniel...such a great feeling..haha
Hmm..maybe things are finally looking up for me? well, at least that is what I think so at this moment... =)
Comments (By Eddy) :
That might has just well cost me my sanity, but I did take it well as I did think positively.And yes I agree that things are way better now.
Come what may ... This song's in my head now.
I Love you, Eddy

Slowing eating the very soul within
Wanting to supress yet there aint anything that can be done
Destroying precious relationships n hurting people who loves you
Locked up in the room seeming to keep it from harming those you love
But deep inside who knows the hurts it causes
No words can describe it
Life is as such....
When you are all ready to move on, some matters of life destroys all hope & dreams
Why is life filled with so many of such?
Whose there with you when all in life seems lost?
You've only got yourself to depend on
Wanting to share with someone - who could it be to share your pain?
How will he view such an angry person?
At the end of the day, all the smiles seems to be a screen
Screen for the bitterness deep within......
Comments (By Eddy) :
Never let anger overcome your love for a person.
Love the person just as he loves you.

Nothing seems to work out lately.
Happy days seem to end faster than I want it.
Issues of the past just keeps coming to haunt me.
Memories and events hurting me to no end
Straining relationships that are important to me.
Don't know how to continue anymore.
I've tried so hard to be strong 4 myself & the people I love
Other than that what can I do?
Know all this is not my fault.
I've done no wrong but why do all these affect me so much
Almost driving me to insanity.
Wish all this could end fast coz I cant take it anymore & want my life back.
Comments (By Eddy) :
At least you've told me what you've kept in you for so long, and that's a gd sign that everything is turning for the better now.
Stay strong. I'll be by your side.

Comments (By Eddy) :
Yeah !!!
It was really a fun day at sentosa..! Hope to go there again soon to get burnt again - with the suntan lotion now.
I don't mind the burnt skin though. Keeps me red like a prawn.

Aniwae of all my lessons of the week, today's lesson has been the most enjoyable..as the lecturer is so funny..practically laf in the whole session(tt is 3 hrs lect lei)..haha..But the moz torturous ting is tt cant laf loud la..some jokes are so funi tt i almoz wan to go bang wall lo..haha Aniwae gona go outing wif my darling tml..looking 4ward to it ah..hope everything will b nice n we will have an enjoyable day together ah..hehe Till then take carez all of ya out there!!
Comments (From Eddy):
Well Lixia,
My hopes are for you to do well in your studies.. get 1st class, well, if not at least 2nd upper.
So do well in your studies!