It's Halloween today..not much mood to carry on in school, so lethargic..oh man...practically had to drag myself thru the whole session of lecture..was so tired that I almost fell off the chair during class...*yawnz*
Then sad sad coz whole day kana "bully" by friends..could it be b/c its Halloween so I'm subjected to all this ill-treatment? But I thought its only at April's Fool's Day that such thing happen? Hehe
But in any case I know the gals are just having their way of "fun" & dun mean anything bad la..so its ok lahz..hehe
Oh..almoz 4got...Ah min ah..thx for msg me after I am gone..really appreciate your effort in making sure that I wasn't too hurt.. =)
Well..but time still pass on..and FINALLY its time to start the fun..yippee! =P
Met up with darling at our usual place (lau pa sat. duh!). He bought a really pretty bouquet of flowers & 2 cakes from Sweet Secrets (my fav choc cakes!)...so touched..hehe
Well then watch Exorcism with darling & his mum..wow it was dam nice..n scary..din know being possessed can be so horrible..well aniwae it definitely a movie worth watching & I fully recommend it..go watch it..i give it 4 stars out of 5 stars... =)

Brought cake & some food to sister's hostel to celebrate my b'dae earlier ..wow..it was fun..after so long nv see my darling little sister..she has indeed become prettier..well..our family did enjoy ourselves eating the delicious "feast" whipped up by mom & snapping lots of pics..

Another thing that brighten up my day is seeing some rather sweet things in my sister's room..HAMSTERS!! so cuteee & tame...after the small celebration I practically rush up to the room to look at the little cute things..& my cam juz cant stop snapping at them from all angles..call me obsessed with these cute dwarf hamsters..hehe

Then coz of some matters had to go to Peixin's house to borrow her printer..wow..is this gal a great friend..she nt onli lent me..but oso gave me some clothes..wohoo..means I got another round of new collection w/o burning a hole in my poor pocket..thx ger! =)
Comments (By Peixin) :
u r welcome..feel kind of bad..cos u r tking some of my clothes..althou some clothes haven been worn b4 la..well..hope u like them..we are great pals after all..

Went to school super early today..all ready to start the day with lots of work to do...hmm..initially it started out well till I came across a "new" thing to play with..n tt is blogging..haha
Have been thinking for quite long to start another blog at another site..say blogspot.com..we..it started out quite nice..till the part of adding comment to the m blog..haiz..spent practically the whole day meddling with that..can't seem tp figure out..sobx!! This means that I would have to put aside my big plans of setting up a beautiful blog..sob..
The comes the 2nd rant of the day...how I wish the school & best..the whole world is smoke free...put in simple language..ban smoking!!! Not as if I've got anything against smokers..but its basically their inconsiderate attitude that piss me off...smoking their lungs out in front of non-smokers oblivious to our IRRITATED stares..I mean come on ppl..u smoke doesn't mean other ppl have to smoke wif u
k...we don't want to DIE early in the 1st place k? grrr...
Then after their inconsiderate act they throw their disgusting cigarette butts on the ground expecting the poor cleaners to clean up after them..gosh!! In fact nw a I am slamming my keyboard abt these ppl a cleaner is picking up those butts frm the floor which was thrown by those ppl..well..probably some ppl may say.."well, they are paid to do so, so why are you complaining so much?"..but plz..this iznt the way to treat our cleaners…they got better things to clean up than to pick up after u..n you don't have to be such a nuisance as to make other ppl's life worse rite? Gosh..
Maybe cigarettes should eventually be more expensive than diamonds (not as if they are as precious as diamonds)..duh!

When its a moment to rejoice
When all is supposed to move on
Why does the past still comes back to haunt me?
Why the hurt feels no more lesser?
Is it true that the past doing can never be erased?
How am I do to stop it?
When all is to be done is done
Thou' the one is gone - enjoying the life he wants
Why am I left to go thru' the past on my own?
One wrong move is enough to ruin it all
Even when the person is long no longer part of me
Can I ever live a life not under his shadow?
Will I be able?
I want so much to but I can't
It's not fair - not at all
A past mistake will always be there - unforgotten...

But after school was more fun lahz..went for Eddy's mum's bdae..wow..wat a spread ah..the people there was really..v happening ah..hmm..somehow I have this feeling that eddy's mum treat me better than she treat her own son lei (my own wishful thinking?)...coz she take the best part of the crab for me & also constantly ask me to eat..tt is so nice.. =P
Anyway reali eat till wan to explode ah..his mum even joke & say I look so full i look like an over-stuffed hamster..hmm..interesting.. =S
But I have enjoyed myself tonight & even ended with a mini photo taking session..hmm..hopefully the pix are nice..hmm..if not..better not publish it online..lest it cause those weak hearted to die on the spot with foam spewing from their mouth? =P

In this cold rainy night
Can't help but miss you
Thinking what are you doing
Are you feeling the same way as me now?
Reminiscing the way we met
Your love that came accidentally, but it wasn't strange at all
When I seem to be alone in this world
Crumbled & ready to give up
You step into my life
Always there by my side
With words said filled with love & care
Supporting me in all I wish to do
Yet making sure I was not in the wrong path
Trying so hard to untie the knots in my heart
Feeling fortunate coz of it all
Knowing that someone is caring for me
Knowing I'll never be alone
Never have to walk tru' life on my own
Praying that this isn't a dream
Probably silly of me to think this way
But could you be here to stay for good?
Seemingly this is so
Hoping this is so
Let's walk down the misty road hand in hand...
Comments (By Eddy) :
Yup I do feel it's cool tonight.. but thinking? rather blank... or hmm thinking my future with you?
Lixia... it's a fact that you do light up my life.thank you for being with me..
To our future together... hugzzz....

Started from strangers
Strengthen by incidents
The feeling grows
Looking at a love that leads nowhere
Held on to it beliving the day will come
Beliving so strongly
Many love and hurts pass & go
But you were never one of them
Resented you - seemingly you are the cause of it all
Thou you have no part in it
Now that all seems to be set - set in cold hard stone
Realize that some things will never happen no matter how long you wait
Its time to let go - free from all the heartache & sorrows
Life goes on
Comments (By Eddy) :
Written by Corrinne May Ying Foo
Copyright 2003, Corrmay Gourmet Music (ASCAP)
I think we've been here before
I recognize this placeI've seen the marks of confusion
wipe out a single sign of grace
And I don't want to play anymore
Not when the stakes are so high
So before we circle round once more
I'm gonna lay down,
Lay down my pride
Let it go, let it be
Don't waste all your emotion on this
tit-for-tat machine
Let it go, let it be
Let it go
I turn on the TV
and it screams out at me
Nothing seems to have changed
since the start of Adam and EveSo we're waiting for the sky to fall
and we're buying brand new toys
But before we circle round once more
Can we lay down
Just lay down this pride
Let it go, let it be
Don't waste all your emotion on this
tit-for-tat machine
Let it go, let it be
Let it go
Don't go wasting your emotions
No one wins if we keep score
Let it go, let it be
Let it go

Well..now that the burning queries are answered for I feel more comfortable (hopefully darling is feeling the same way too). Can we say that we have renewed our love? =P
Anyway now that what's needed to be done is done I guess I need to do my part to keep the relationship going. Stop being so paranoid & sharing my thoughts more openly, I guess? =P
Here's a toast to our new love! Cheers! ^___^
Comments (By Eddy) :
Guess my letter paid off... answered your questions about me and you....
Well ...I Love you Lixia!

In another 3 weeks times I will be 21. So much to look forward to? So much fun? But why do I not feel the excitement? Suddenly all becomes meaningless.
I wish so much to spend it with my loved ones - my family, darling & friends..but somehow or rather a very important group of people will not be around that period. Abit disappointed but what can I do except to hope for the best. I know there is nothing great or special about one's 21st birthday but for me I look upon every birthday as an important day in my life (after all its once every year only...) well..as for now I will just hope for the best outcome thou I am not in any mood to plan or think about how I am going to pass by this 'special' day in my life..
Important days in my life & I won't wan to miss them for anything:
- Mom's birthday
- Chinese New Year
- Sister's birthday
- Darling's birthday
- Grandma's Birthday
- Grandpa's Birthday [he passed away this year..] =(
- My birthday
- Christmas (yippee! Snow, presents & the x'mas spirit)
Comments (By Eddy) :
Don't worry ... i'll be around to celebrate with you, afterall it's your 21st bday!
Love ya!

Woke up early in the morning..was rather looking forward to today as am going to eat my favourite porridge buffet with Eddy. But only meeting him later in the morning so went to his blog to kill time..browsed through the pics..came across those that he took with his friends during Chinese New Year when he was in uni. So cute! N was actually eyeing the jeans he wearing for those pics..darling really look great in it!! Hehe

Beautiful jeans for the sexy legs!! =P
Well then the time finally came for me to meet up. The 1st thing that surprise me was that he was wearing EXACTLY the same jeans in the pic! Omg! So happy lei...almost drools..he look so good in the jeans..hehe
Anyway finally it was time for the long-awaited buffet..wow..wat a spread..really a value for money lunch. But too bad my appetite was not as large as what it used to be..burpz! hehe..you guys reading my blog so go check out the buffet too..its only $9.80 nett lei!! Must try! Highly recommended by Xia Mi (errmmm...no refund allowed frm me huh..bleahx! hehe)
After lunch, accompanied darling to work..& as for me..ended up sitting @ Lau Pa Sat to study...weird place to study huh? But then I managed to cover a lot..in fact much more than I could ever complete at home or even in school. Hmm..wonder if I should make Lau Pat Sat my latest hangout for studying? In fact, its quite good to
study there..1st I can study as much there & most importantly I can accompany darling for dinner..so swt rite? (I think so too)..hehe
But the minus pt of sitting there for long hrs is tt I will start to smell like Lau Pat Sat..eww..think even I cant stand it..how can eddy? Hehe
But..generally..today & the past few days have been a very packed & fulfilling day..maybe this can help boost my morale in my studies? After all..things seems to be looking up finally?
Comments (By Eddy) :
More buffets for me!!!yummy...hmm currently looking at the buffet pdf list i sent you.
nvm...smelling like lau pa sat makes you yummy...! =p

It's a nice & lazy Sunday afternoon. Most of my day was spent just TRYING to do my revision as I was lagging quite far back & stuff which I like to do – listening to music & spending time with family. Never thought that staying home could be such a joy. In fact, told my mum that sometimes staying at home during the weekends could be just as enjoyable & relaxing..she seems somewhat delighted with what I said..hehe Well..most probably she is glad that the family's eldest daughter who used to like to go our during weekends or coop up in her room has finally grown up? Hehe But in any case..i felt good after saying that.. =) Later in the evening thou..went to meet darling in Northpt..hmm..wah..that boy sure know how to stuff me with food..1st its fish & chip then its pizza..aiyo…n we even ate a large sushi & my fav sausage from Cold Storage ..burpz..one of this day I will surely sue him 4 making me become Ms Piggy..hehe =P Comments (By Eddy) : yeahhh! glad to have met you today too. yummy food. and yeah, it's sinchan food, tuna onigiri! and the green tea, slurpeee too!
=p i want more!!!