Of all..the thing that made this trip worth it is that there are alot of hunks there. Wooo..all the muscles & some of them even have the gorgeous face to go with. i seems to be in paradise of hunks? =S
We did about 20 minutes of running on the treadmill before moving on to the various exercise equipements. Toning of specific bosy parts. It's a really nice place to work out in I would say. Well....of coz apart from the hunks that are walking around & displaying their hot bods, the various exercise equipment, air con & music adds to the fun of working out. This is especially so when the sun is shining brightly & mercilessly outside. =S
After our workout, we took a bus to Northpoint to have our brunch. its tha all time famous Boneless Hinanese Chicken Rice~! Yummy~!
As we were walking back we walked pass a rather big fish shop. Wohoo..that was when I went mad. Coz there were so many fishes there. Makes me have the urge to buy some too~! Hehe
So darling decided that this will make a very good present for our 6 month anniversary.
Yippee~! Off we went picking up the relevant stuff - fish tank, filter pump, fish food fish & a whole lot of other necessities to set up an aquarium. Waa....the cost of it all really shocked me thou...coz this anniversary gift came up to be way more expensive than any of the anniversary flowers that darling has ever given me~! It cost near to S$70~! *Faintz* =S
After buying we went home & the both of us set up the tank painstakingly. Wow..the end product turn out to be rather satisfactory~! =)
Thou he said that he is happy that he help me to fulfil my wish of rearing fishes but then I feel heartpain for his pocket lahz... =S
Well..in any case..thx darling...I appreciate it alot....Will take care those fishies de... =)

So happy~! Now at least I have something to accompany me through the night when I sleep & study le.. =)

The very 1st thing we did was to go to our favourite (& expensive, of course) fast food chain, Carl's Junior to have our morning breakfast. It was like the 2nd time of the week that we are eating it. I think the both of us are totally ADDICTED to the food there. And that I tell you, is bad. Coz if this goes on probably we would have burnt a really large hole in our pockets. =P
Anyway with darling's recommendation we finally placed our order (sorry that I can't recall the exact name for the meal, so guess I'll give that a miss so as not to make a fool of myself..haha).

In fact, even before we started on the delicious food, darling whipped out a little gift for me. A pleasant surprise thou... =)

As we were eating we spent a considerable amount of time talking about our future. Well..in fact this topic has become our little pasttime (did I use the right word to describe? I duno.. =S) whenever we had the time to talk about things. Call this day dreaming or counting the eggs before they hatch. But for me, a person who is rather pessimistic, this sorta serves as a form of therapy for me especially in the event that I seem to lose direction of where our relationship is going. In fact, (I think) darling seems to enjoy talking about this too. Seems to see his little eyes light up whenever we talk about this. *Blush* =P
Talking about this juz would like to take this chance to thank Ava for being such a good pal. Apparently she saw my previous post about how depressed I was so she actually msg me to comfort & of coz give me a piece of her mind. Haha, so friend she is. Glad that actually cared thou.. =)
Anyway the rest of the day was spent watching 3 shows at 1 go....
[x] A documentary name BULLSHIT from the web TV
[x] The Fog
[x] The Exorcist
All super nice show~! You guys should go watch it if you have the chance... =)
Well..overall..the day was spent rather fruitfully... =)
Now..am looking forward to our half year anniversary which is coming in less than 1 weeks' time.. =)

Met him at raffles Place MRT to have Carl's Junior. Well..one of the best fast food I've tasted. But its expensive thou. Imagine S$11 pluz for a full meal~! =S
Darling also bought me some stuff. Of them one of the came to practical use. And that is 2 black pen (which he claim to be very nice to write) for my exams. So thoughtful~! =)

After breakfast, I went to school while Eddy went to work. Well..reached there later than I planned. Cos its already almost 1pm~! =S
Oh well..at least I will have some reasonable time to study before I go home. =P
Anyway, its really a different feeling when you study with another person as compared to being alone. For at least you've got someone to joke with if you are bored & that really help wake you up abit. Luckily Daniel is a rather "serious" student (only when exams are nearing), so we still managed to get some study although we do joke around alot too~! =P
Anyway, the study seems to drain me of much energy. It was so bad to the extent that I didn't have appetite or the energy to think about much thing. But still, being drained of energy always makes me depressed, espcially when I am on my way home alone. To make matters worse, some thoughts which have for very long never appeared in my mind starts to come back to me. Haiz....
So, as if I am not in a more pathetic enough state, I ended the day feeling drained of every energy I have & depressed... =S
Hope tomorrow will be a better day bahz...

Then has also been rather unlucky since the start of this week. Some of which is me forgetting to bring everything for lecture EXCEPT for the right lecture notes required for the lesson~! Bah~!
What's worse is that I even forgot to bring my EZ-link card right onthe 1st day of the week And when I finally remembered to bring it on the 2nd day, there is only S$0.26 in the card & I've got only enough money to top it up. That means no $$ to eat~! Arrggh~!
Well..luckily darling seeing how "weak & sick" also how broke I was, wanted me to come down to eat lunch with him so that he can help me pay...so sweet....Muax~! =P
He even bought me a whole bagful of food in case I am hungry in the night but am afraid of eating anything sinful...
How thoughtful of him...
So juz would like to say that I really appreciate his little action of love...Love ya darling~! =)
P.S. Darling just cut his hair. Look not too bad. Except he should not have snip off his side burn~! =P
Hope I get well soon & have better luck for the later part of the week thou... =)

A belated 1 thou... -_-"
But who cares~! Haha
We started out real early & met at Yishun central. Wahaha...even before we actually began our little excursion...we have already spent a "bomb" on food & snacks & even munching more than 50% if it once we bought it..haha
Well...darling's theory is that since we are going to cycle such a long distance then we had better fill up our stomach~! But..well...I don't know about that..I just think that its just 1 of his excuse~! Hehe
Anyway we bought food along the way. All the way from Yishun to Pasir Ris & even Changi Jetty~! I almost mistook that our purpose for meeting is to shop for the best goodies in singapore~! =P
Some delicious food we bought from Pasir Ris were:

As we reach Changi Jetty we went to the hawker centre where they sold the all-time favourite nasi lemak. There, we bought a goreng pisang & a packet of coconut drink.
That was when I made a joke of myself. Darling said that he wanted to buy coconut to drink but I didn't allow him to. But he still went ahead to buy. When he came back with the drink, there was shock written on my face. Why? Coz was thinking that he wanted to buy the gigantic coconut on the shelf (its bigger than my head lei.. =S). But ended up that it was just a packet of coconut drink la~! Chey~! Me & my wild crazy imagination~! How could I have tot that He was so dumb as to buy that? Hehe Totally refreshing to start our little excursion as the sun was really horrible that day~! =S
Anyway, here's a pic of the pisang fried to golden brown & the "cursed" coconut drink..hehe

After all the pigging, we finally boarded the bum boat. HAd to wait quite long as the boat operators will only move when there is 12 passengers. Well...unless you want to book the whole bum boat to yourself for S$24?! Anyway other than that, the fee is really cheap, only a mere S$2. Cool~! =)

Just as we were standing outside the boat enjoying the view, suddenly yhe passengers inside told us to go in. I thought what happen, its only the police coast guards ma.. =S
Anyway they came on the boat to check on the identity of the passengers. There was this guy who was carrying a box of cigarettes. This subject himself to some questioning by the police & of coursee held up our time too.. =S
After which the police took our ICs to their own boat to conduct their own check ba..this further delay our time lo..even those boats that started out later than us went past us leaving us in a trail of their waves & foam...grr...

While waiting I became bored & started snapping with my camera again..hehe

After much baking in the sun (the place where I was sitting had the sun shining in.. =S), we finally got our ICs back & was on our way chuking to pulau Ubin le~! Yippe~!

As we cycle along, I came across some interesting sights.

Well..there are many more sights we came across while cycling around the island. One of which is a rather creepy looking tree which darling doesn't allow me to take. And some very run-down & abandoned house that will most likely look like haunted houses at night.. =S
As we were making our way back, we saw a stray dog.It looks really pitiful. So skinny & worse part of all is that some unkind soul who ought to burn in hell has broken its leg. Or could it be it is born with this deformity? =S

Since we bought alot of food for this little picnic-cum-valentine's day celebration, we decided to share abit of joy witht he poor creature. Threw to it pineapple tarts & fed it half a packet of fried beehoon. It finished everything...Wish that people will treat these creatures with more care lo..haiz..

While waiting for the boat..saw this...

After reaching mainland, we took a bus to Tampines Mall to catch the show, Pink Panther. Very funny show & its really worth the ticket price. All was well except the guy beside me who talked once on his handphone & "molest" me..Grrr... =S
On the whole..I really enjoyed myself~! Hope that we could more of such things in future. I just love it when my other partner is someone who shares the same hobbies with me whether it is in term of sports or other activites. Or at least he should be someone who is willing to try new things... =)

But to me, its really a very useful gift. Especially after I've used it, my face seems cleaner & fairer. Together with the cream I bought to minimise pores...woho~! Is just a perfect match to go with. And mind you, when I bought the cream product to minimise my pores I did not know that darling would be giving me this present. Haha...Great minds think alike wor~! =P

Apart from that got from him a packet of delicious chocolate cookies. Yummz~!

And of coz..something that cannot be missed during Valentine's Day - Flowers~! Well...it ain't a big bouquet like I've always received from him. But considering the fact that I'vce received far too many of flowers from him previously & the fact that the price of flowers are horribly high during this period, I think I should be able to survive with this flower w/o making a big fuss out of it~! I would rather he spent the money which could have been spent on paying the exhorbitantly priced flowers to treat me to a good meal or buysomething practical - which he has already done do~! =)

Most couples on this special day would have been out celebrating their love. But for me, no. Coz somehow the way my relationship goes is rather "wierd". In short, me & darling will not be celebrating today...
Well..am abit sadz la...of coz...
But on the other hand, at least I know that somewhere in the little corner of the world there is one more person who loves me...
Probably I am juz exaggerating my "sorrow" coz its not as if we ain't celebrating at all. We are planning to celebrate it at a later date. Looking forward to it... =)
Its been a little more than 5 months that we have been together...
Darling has really changed alot for me...
Thinking back at it all...
One of the very first thing he changed for me is that he stopped wearing a t-shirt inside when he wears his work shirt. At 1st I just commented, not really expecting that he will do anything abt it. But surprisingly, he actually didn't wear it in this style on our next meeting. And he never did again, till today.
Subsequently, he made alot of changes too. One commendable one was that he learnt how to tolerate my stinky temper (trust me, that's a tough task to undertake. Try asking him if you had the chance. =P). Well, at first he din quite get how to handle me & each time when he didn't I treated him rather mercilessly with either my actions / words or even BOTH~! =O
Despite all this, he never did leave me. And tried very hard to give in (or rather handle me). I am really impressed with his effort coz not many people can handle me & my temper. Oopz~! =)
At least now we had lesser head-on clashes that is one thing I am glad about. Coz despite me hating to hurt him but when anger or even dejection gets the better of me, my brain just shuts off - destroying anything that comes my way. =S
One thing I like about him is that he very much pays attention to my stuff. Be it what I say or my likes & dislikes or even my views. Some may say that he is just pure hen-pecked but to me its an act of love from him. And it suits me just fine. It just makes me feel appreciated & loved. =)
Well..I could say one whole list of things good about darling (not as if I've got nothing bad to say), but as for myself - I can't say much. I could just conclude that I didn't really make a really good gf to him. Always being a spoilt brat & wanting my way & when I don't the way I want I will wreck havoc. I am always making him hurt or sad (well, trust me, I could really hurt someone if I really wanted too).
We both share many dreams together. Although there will be more obstacles coming our way but surely we can overcome it right? I wish I could be more confident to my own question. But somehow I've a sinking feeling.
Sometimes I ask myself why do I want to look so far out into the future? Why can't I just be happy with things now and that's it? Am I just being matured? or am I just pure pessimistic? I don't know the answer myself too... =S
Well...guess I really have to learn to take things step-by-step as it comes along. If not 1 day I might just end up in IMH or something of that sort.
Whatever it is, just would like to tell darling THANK YOU for being there for me all this while - through the very difficult times. Hope that we could sail through this lifetime & finally achieving our dreams & goals together.

The whole "storm" started out from here.
Well, upon reading this article I had this thought that this guy is probably one of those insensitive kind. Its not like me being a true blue Singaporean girl is trying to defend myself or something. But don't all you guys out there agree with me that if you want to win the girl's favour you have to do something impressive and I am sure it is just normal that paying for the meal is one of those that evitably falls into this category.
Not that girls here in Singapore are out to take advantage of their suitor's wallet. But I am sure all girls regardless of whether they are Singapore, Asian or even the caucasian will like to be pampered once in a while. Surely there is nothing wrong to treat the girl of your dream like a princess once in a while too right?
But then on the other hand, probably girls should not always potray themselves to be ever so willing to accept a treat from the guys (this does not include those going on first dates). Coz somehow or rather it will just make her feel obligated to him after he has paid (I mean going by the logical way of action & thought).
After all, we do have our own means of income or pocket money right? Surely we would not want to stretch his wallet so much that he finally call it quites right? In short, everything just has to be done in moderation.
But in any case (at least this is what I do), whenever I go dutch in a relationship or on my 1st date, the most I will do is to pay for my own share. I am sure this is a fair enough statement (something which I think even the miserly men will agree too?). But no way will I pay for the guy's share too. Why? Coz such action goes undefined in my dictionary~! =P
Not as if I am some money-grabbing freak. Coz I still do pay for my own share or even SOMETIMES pay for both of us. Thou it rather rare coz I just think that its not very appropriate? Hmm..well..probably I didn't use the right words to express my thought. But girls or even logical thinking guys would know what I am trying to say right? =P
Well..seriously...I don't think I am being unreasonable or something like that. But try asking the girl's around you or those walking on the streets fort their opinion. I am pretty sure that they will be echoing my thought too. Anyone wants to give it a try doing a survey on this topic? Be sure to tell me the your findings if you do k? =)
But this, Singapore is still a relatively democratic country. No way am I trying to impose my view on anyone or anything of that sort. Just purely my own views & practice here.
However, those who guys who still insist on doing their own way of expecting their dates or girlfriend to pay if not they will be classified as cheapskate, its your choice after all. But I would like to wish you good luck~! Coz I was just thinking how many of such girls will there be out there for you guys to pick up~! =P

There was once this person I knew. Her boyfriend's first girlfriendS (did you know notice the plural?) told her that her boyfriend was not such a good person as what he has projected himself to be. Even told her that her bf was heavily in credit card debt & was being sued for bankruptcy. Astonishingly, she stood firm to her belief that her bf had been totally truthful to her & she had 100% trust in him.
Gosh~! Sometimes I just don't understand what some girls are thinking. Maybe if one of his ex-gf spoke badly about her beloved goody-two-shoes bf she could defend him by justifying that he was being maligned as that ex was just being jealous & wanted to get back at him for breaking up the relationship. But now its TWO~!
Why is she still so stubborn & even wrote things like:
For a relationship to work, complete trust is needed, but how often so is there 100% complete trust? As human beings, we will worry every then and now...but what matters most is how we hold on to make the impact in the future..
Well..little does she know that as she was typing this phrases with so much confidence, her bf was actually asking one of his ex to go back to him. Telling her all the lovely & sweet words like:
Now many months sence they are together she is finally seeing the true colours of him. No longer a sweet & caring bf anymore. More like a demanding, unreasonable & self centered MCP - you name it you have it.
If she could at least think about why people are telling her all this, instead of just drilling into her tiny head that her bf is the best guy you can ever have in the world, she may not be in this state. So much for "holding on to make the impact in the future"...haiz...
Aniwae what I was thinking is that she may not even think that he is that bad yet & still has a chance to make him change for the better. But from my point of view is that if the man don't treat you good when he is dating you then what more can you expect from him in the future when you get married?
So what I think is that one should just end the relationship fast (probably you would think that I am too cruel) if you think that many a times the realtionship you are in is not going in the direction that you can accept. Its better to end the "misery now than to suffer later when you get married rite?
Life is just this sad. Man who are jerks are all around. Many a times one is just too blinded by their new found love to see anything bad that others say about their other half. I really don't understand why they can't just pull back awhile to ponder if they really know the other half well before becoming defensive & saying things like:
I've been with him for 1 month+ only.. he does not need to prove to me anything, there's no necessity for it...
Haiz..the world is sad when people just choose to live in their own fantasy world & refuse to accept the facts that are presented to them. Should I call it stubborn or just plain stupidity?
Well...anyway before I end off read about an interesting article. Check this out~! =)

The very first form is probably found between the parent & their child. This is almost like a kind of unconditional love where the parent will go to great extent to make sure that their child will turn out to be someone useful.
I once saw a documentary where a mother helped her son, who has killed someone, to get rid of the body. Makes one feel heartache when such thing happens but what can we do as I guess the mother was just acting according to the Law of Nature? =S
However, this kind of love may become too unbearable for the child if there is too much control involve.
In other words, why don't they let them grow? Get dirty, face the storm & learn as they grow? Isn't this what they want to teach their kid - to face up to the consequences for their actions? Teach them what's right & wrong & after which they should be left to decide which is right for them to do...
Like I've always said in my previous entry..."Life is like flying a kite - know when to pull tight on the string & when not to. Otherwise, one day the string will break away from your ever tightening grip - never to return again."
Then before our life really started - right before we even went to school we are already building all kinds of relationship with people around us. This is what I call friendship. This usually the people who will be around you when you needed them most. In fact, after your family members they should be the people that you most rely on. They will never talk things behind you & make you feel totally comfortable to be with them. Never putting you down when its your dream to do something although a few words of advice or caution is inevitable. But generally, all out of goodwill...
I used to have a very good friend who was my confidant. Always there for me. Even when we quarrel we could still patch back, talk & laugh like nothing happen. We know each other so well that we know each other's likes & dislikes tru & tru - its like we've known each other for the whole of our lifetime. That's one of the most amazing part of the relationship between me & her.
We went shopping, gossipped, danced & sang. Had lots of things in common. Having her around made me feel more motivated to go to school. I don't know about her but for me this realtionship is probably one of the most important relationship in my life.
Now as we had our own things to busy about, we have drifted. Just like what I had feared most & cried about before we started to drift. But still, the sweet memories of our time together still remains in my mind. Hoping that one day we coud return to what we used to be.
Then there is another kind of relationship that most people pf my age will most likely have experienced before. And that will be a realtionship with someone who initially started out as a stranger & later become more of a soulmate to you - someone whom you may spend your whole lifetime with. Yes, this relationship is a boy-girl relationship.
Sometimes I thought to myself how many time does a person has to go through the pain of ending such a relationship before they find their Mr or Ms Right? Some people may live their whole lifetime & never be able to find the person of their dreams.
Then when you meet someone, how would one know that they have found The One?
Someone once asked me before how do you know that you are in love? Well, probably I could answer that very well. Having had a serious crush with someone before, I merely answered almost in a as-a-matter-of-factly that: you will feel happy just to see him happy, feel down when some girls try to get close to him & feel totally shattered when the girl he finally chooses is not you.
But well...just as well...sometimes having the person may not be the best for both of you...probably letting go if this will enable you to find someone better & treats you better, loving you with all his heart? Isn't this a better arrangement?
As of now, the one with me may not be the most handsome or richest guy around. But at least he is sensitive to me (for me this is one of the most important criteria I look for - not as if I am looking for a good-for-nothing who only has the quality of being sensitive to me). Taking the effort & trouble to make the relationship of 5 months less mundane with little surprises & other little actions here & there. I don't know about in the future but at least for now I am happy with how things are going. Enjoying the feeling of being loved.
After so many years of being a teenager & now finally a young adult, one of the thing I've learnt is: "To be satisfied & treasure the people around you. Coz you never know how long they will stay in your life. Live life with NO regrets."

Before that we went to NTUC & Cold storage to buy the ingredients such as chicken & the spices...WOOooo...my stomach was really anticipating for some really good food.. =)
Only reach my house at only 8 pluz. Gosh~!
Started cooking. Thought we made quite a good pair in the kitchen. But the kitchen became oily thou..Much cleaning up has to be done.. =S

After playing with him & talking to Ava for awhile, it was time for me to dress up for my date... =P
Today is our 5 months anniversary together~! Yipee~! =)
Went to Sizzler @ Suntec for dinner. The food there was not bad pluz the ambience is also rather romantic. I settled for the salad bar buffet. While Eddy chose to eat the chicken & steak combo. Haiyo, duno what he was seeing when I went in to have a look at the salad bar before deciding whether to eat there anot. Coz after we placed our order he changed his mind shortly & wanted to eat salad bar too. But too bad, the chef has already started cooking already...so no changing. End up I had to pass to him "illegally" the food from the salad bar as it was stated clearly in the menu that "no sharing of the salad bar" is allowed... =P

After dinner we made our way to river Hong bao. I didn't expect so many people to be there as Chinese New Year is over mahz. But who knoes this isn't the case. In fact at some section of the event, there were so many people walking back & forth that we had some difficulty taking pictures. So, at some point in time, guess all this has irritated Eddy to some extent that when he was taking pic for me he suddenly lift up the camera tripod that he was holding to stop the traffic. Well, guess it did work to stop the traffic but of coz not without him earning some glares from some "inconsiderate" uncles.. Grrr...~! =S

Also for the first time I actually managed to see fireworks so up close & personal. Only that while waiting for the fireworks to begin we did not get ready the camera. It was only when the show started that we realised the camera was having abit of problem..Grrr...~!
Luckily for us, Eddy got it fixed shortly & I had my camera with me at that time. Anyway, the fireworks are truely beautiful. Hope I could have the chance to see it again & of coz to be able to take better quality pix of the fireworks. =P