Here's to another week in Pulau Tekong Basic Military Training Centre, and my fourth month in this island now.
I went for my 3 day SIT test (Situation Test), which was a battery of physical test to test leadership skills,teamwork, mental alertness, and reaction to different situations. This test, developed by Applied Behaviorial Sciences Unit of Ministry of Defence, Singapore is to select the potential commanders of the Singapore Armed Forces.
Example of one of the test or mission as rather called were to cross obstacles with placing wooden planks across concrete blocks to make a 'bridge' across a 'raging' river like this ===== .
And of course along with this SIT test, there are of course physical activities to tire out a person before the mission, on the first day we had a 12 km route march with 30 kg on our back to the campsite, the second day we had a 4km fast march with our rifles, helmet and webbing that weighs about 8kg altogether..and on the third day a 2km fast march.
The worst part was that on the second day it was raining heavily and we were stuck outfield, so all of us got wet, head to toe... We ran back to the base shelter soaked, with the boots soaked like a reservoir... The Gortex jacket we put on did not make much of a difference cos we all felt equally cold and were shivering.
Well that was the time when I thought of my darling and how much so I missed her...And the thought of her encouraged me to carry on.
As for now, what makes me happy is that it's getting closer to the date when darling's back from China from her job assignment, and to my Passing Out Parade on 5 September when my darling can attend and see me graduate from Basic Military Training!
Meanwhile, Darling prepare for a nice surprise when you're back! hehehe I just bought item no. 2 today! and don't ask what is it.. I won't tell you till you meet me for our 1 year anniversary celebration!
Here's to another week in the army and missing my darling!!

Here I am after packing my lugguage preparing for my morning flight tommorrow. All tired that I could fall aleep standing but I still thought that its best that I blogged before I go to sleep. As for the next 3 weeks I am not too sure if I will be free enough to blog.. =S
So I want to blog abit about my thoughts about my life and I how I feel about it currently...
Actually being able to work in company that allows me to travel frequently has always been my little dream. Its just so great to see the different culture in other countries even its only the difference in work culture that I would see. Haha
And wala...here I got it..and am off tomorrow for my 1st overseas assignment.. =P
I hope very soon I will be able to fulfil my dream of working in US. Hmm..wonder will I am to achieve the impossible.. =P
Anyway as of now I can't imagine myself feeling homesick or anything of that sort. but maybe I would start feeling so when I get busy.. =S
Or maybe I may just start feeling "pillow-sick" about my cosy pillow & bed at home..wahaha~! =P
But there is one thing on my mind that makes leaving for Singapore to work in another country sad for me. And that is I will surely miss darling. Miss his hugs. Miss his kind words. And miss it when he plays with my nose *Tikuz nose*.. =(
I truely hope that darling will not blame me for going away for so long. As its really a really rare opportunity for me that I've been waiting for so long.
Hope that all will stay the same when I am back in Singapore 3 weeks later..
Hmm..wonder if the phrase "Distance makes the heart grow fonder" is true... =)

Went with mum one of the best loved supermarket (starting with the letter "N") by aunties to shop for some fruits. Met with a totally unhappy experience.. =(
Thinking of it makes my blood boil all over again..
Ever went to buy something & being treated unfairly by the damn cashier who thinks that she owns the supermarket?
Well, I've met too many time before..grrr...
This time round is no less different from what I experience in the past..
Despite us queuing up to pay for the items we bought, the damn cashier had the cheek to serve the other person who came later. When asked sternly by my mum why is she giving us this kind of service she even could lie through her BIG nostril that that lady came first.
What the hell. she think we are blind or what. We have been queuing there for so damn long and all we see is the man in front of us.
TRUTH is: That damn lady customer just came over to the counter to purchase 2 boxes of chicken essence and so the cashier gave it to her & at the same time collected money from her.
Don't think that my ingenious deduction of the whole damn sickening situation is correct?
Here's the obvious EVIDENCE:
That supposed customer who came first don't even dare to look, much less to utter a sound when the auntie cashier defended
So much for the good service much encouraged in Singapore. Sometime frankly speaking I doubt that this big dream will ever be realised especially with tsuch idiotic aunties who don't even know whar they should be doing.
Maybe I should have insisted on seeing the managr on this matter. Since she thinks that she's so smart that she could talk back to the CUSTOMER for something she herself has done wrong. *Evil grinz*

Howdy everyone! I'm back after a long absence from this blog due to a long 7 days outfield camp in Pulau Tekong. After this field camp, I am surprised how much my mental and physical limits can be extended in a stressful environment... =)
Activities include Group Movement,
In the whole field camp the most tiring part was the digging
Group Battle Course was
Along with the many activities in the field camp also came many punishments and excercises. This includes the dreaded heat rash which made carrying anything on our backs feel like needles poking on our backs, the usual stink, and the camo cream on our faces... =S
Throughout the field camp it was the thought of my darling lixia, her encouragement and also the help of my section mates that I could actually manage to survive it...! =)
Anyway, here are photos of the field camp:
Whiskey Company Platoon 2
The shellscrape that i've dug for 4 hours straight!

Darling was able to book out yesterday due to the public holiday today and so we had the chance to meet up & have a little mini celebration. In fact in the coming two weeks will be our 1 year anniversary. Yeah~! =)
So we met up and went to eat some real good food.. =)
Our latest craze is Crystal Jade. They sure serve some yummy food plus the good service they offer makes dining there so much better.. =)

Other delights includes:

We met up again today to have more yummy foodie. *droolz*

Wow~! I've never eaten so much for the consecutive days.. =P
But strangely enough my guilt for eating so much doesn't last long as I've the perfect
Simply becos' its our ONE YEAR anniversary celebration~! Weheeee... =P

Its been almost a month since I moved into my new house. And almost 2 weeks since I had my housewarming but I ain't got time to compile the pictures and blog much about it. Since today's the eve of the public holiday I thought it would be a great time for me to set my fingers busy.. =p
Quite a number of close relatives were invited for this mini housewarming...
It was truely a great family get together and I thought I was a really good host that day. Cos from what I see most of the guests seem quite happy chatting away & helping themselves to the food. Making themselves merry through the night.. =)
Mum cooked some rather delicious food for our little mini buffet. Makes me so proud of it all..hehe
Below are some of the dishes which I personally fancy the most..*droolz*

After introducing the mouth watering food now presenting the most important thing. My house~! This are some highlights of the house. Behold... =P

On the whole I must say that I am happy staying there. At least here its peaceful with minimal idiotic neighbours around.. =)
Oh before I end off darling bought a little gift for my room.. =p
Its a cutez pillow.. =)

Simply love it~! Hehe

Call me crazy if you want but there are times when I like to work late. Its not becos' I am mad or I simply like to claim OTs. Its cos' I find that working late into the night its peaceful with
This is so unlike the scenario when I first started working that I could even wake up at the freaking ungodly hour of 6.15am to jog round the estate before going off to work.. =S
In fact at one point n time was feeling rather moody & lost as work was simply pilling up on me despite me trying as hard as possible to finish up the work I have at hand.. =(
This feeling was further magnified when the manager being the ice princess she is (she's got a default black face) becomes more & more demanding. Not ony does she not appreciate the hard work put into the project by me & my partner & the continous nights of OT, she just demanded even more from us. Damn~! Grrr...
Sometimes I think to myself that by throwing so much work to us she is just trying to squeeze out whatever juice left in us for the purpose of meeting her own dateline. Maybe someone should just remind her that though we are paid to work in this company but we still deserve some human rights. Who ever heard of a manager treating her team members like robots while she herself always knock off so early... =X
I still remember very vividly there was one day during last week that I was suppose to meet darling but due to the work given I kept pushing back the time to meet him. Up to a point that he kept calling me to check if I was done. Well, that was when I blew my top at him.. =S
Of coz not forgetting the bad attitude & hurtful words that I said to him. In fact I felt that when I finally screamed ar him that I don't wanna meet him anymore I seem to feel that his heart sank.. =(
But when I finally packed up to meet him eventually he still came over. With some surprises for me of coz...
He actually rush down to Pizza Hut to buy the latest promotion of Cheesy Bite pizza just to have it with me at our little favourite spot in town. We had pizza while sitting in front of Singapore River. Pathetic it may sound to some people that we both are actually squeezed on a bench in front of Singapore River eating pizza. But to me its not, in fact its so romantic. Just like what we always do when he was still working the last time & I was working at my aunt's company. =)

The other surprise was a stalk of rose from him him too. Despite me keep telling him not to buy flower for me (I really meant it~!) unless there's a special ocassion (he gave me a bouquet of 12 roses on my 21st birthday), but the sight of the flower pleases me. Oopz, being to boastful of it? Sorry but I can't really help feeling an itsy-bitsy bit of bliss here.. =P

Oh lastly before I end off, I would like to wish darling a HAPPY 11TH MONTH ANNIVERSARY~! But sad to say, I can't say that personally to him as he is away on field camp & I won't even get to hear his voice for this whole week.. *faintz*