It was truely an "exciting", "fun-filled" & "sad" week all at the same time for both me and Eddy.
We started off the week with me trying really hard to meet him but he sorta refused to do so with the
Its not like as of I was being unreasonable or something but well sometimes when I urge to meet comes there is really no stopping for me. But guess what, sad to say this URGE comes almost too frequently, I must say.
It comes EVERYDAY after work~! =P
Anyway although relectant (I suppose) to meet me but he still came. That's the sweet part of him. But hmm..knowing that we is trying hard to lose weight I still insist on going to eat buffet. Hmm...actually I cant eat much to but I jsut love to have lots of food in front of me.
And of coz, he obliged. I would't dare defy the queen too, I suppose... =S
Aniwae we went to Yuki Yaki to eat. Not as nice as Sakura but the good thing about this place is that we could actually "cook" our very own ice cream. Amazing~!
Wee at first it was really some hard work as the cream that we poured on the cold pan solidify very fast. It just seems as if we were working our hand muscles out just to have a small cup of DIY ice cream... =S
But after awhile it really got fun and Eddy even tried out some nice DIY ice cream that looks really great~!

But well, we also had a very fierce quarrel during this week that almost make the END of our 18 months relationship.
Dooms day should have came but well...
I was melted persuaded by a nice bouquet of flowers sent right to my office to take back my words... =S
Like what my colleage, Penny, says: Flowers can really make a gal happy.
But it will be one of those rare time I accept such apologies. No second time. Grr..~!

Aniwae last but not least its Eddy's bdae tomorrow. Here's wishing him a happy 21st birthday~!