By Lixia
As I was on 1 month paid leave, it is really a god time to visit places where we have always wanted to go since a long time ago.
For this time, one of the places we went was - PetFarm, located in Chua Chu Kang.
Much "research" was done months ago and we had high expectations of this place. Being pet lovers, we look forward to seeing many cute animals, especially dogs.
But much to our dismay, this place was very much a disappointment. Not only was this place not well organised, it was no well maintained. The variety of animals there were also limited and common. Dogs, which we were looking forward to seeing could only be found in the pet stores and we were not allowed to play with them. Not like what the name seems like "PetFarm", its more like a "PetStore"... =(
Except for a little small corner for some common animals such as guppies (bred in a flower pot), a few guiness, rabbits, turtles, toads, etc. Really sounds COMMON right? Haiz....

By Lixia
Went to a Cantonese Dim Sum Restaurant off Chin Swee Road with Eddy and his Mum. The good old "Red Star Restaurant". Been around for quite some time now, heard they have been around for 30 years.
And the most common sight for this restaurant is that there will be a long queue of people waiting to be seated. I remember there was once I there with my family on New Year's Day morning 2 years ago. It was just 7 am and we already had to queue up to wait for seats.. =S
Well..anyway, the restaurant serve food in the typical Hong Kong style - Obasans pushing their carts of Dim Sum just short that they were not shouting what was on their cart..hehe
But even without that, the whole restaurant is bustling and noisy enough. Shan't even mention the HEAT that was simmering from all around us. As I was eating the food, I seem to forget that I was eating in a RESTAURANT. Wahaha~! =p
But I would say that the food there is really great - especially those who likes deep fried Dim Sum, I would definitely highly recommend this place. =)
For people who, like me, likes steamed Dim Sum such as "Xiao Long Bao" & "Tang Bao" I would then recommend that you try Crystal Jade instead.
Not to say that all the food there don't suit my taste. I fancy the century egg porridge - so smooth and delicious. I fancy the roast duck - so crispy and fragrant... *droolz*

By Lixia
After almost 3 years of hard work in the university, finally I survived to this day. My convocation day~! Yeah~!
Thought that this day would never come. =S
What is more unbelievable is that despite my fooling around and screw-ups especially when I was in year 2 & 3, I still managed to secure my honours. Pure luck, I guess. =p
Intially I was contemplating whether to go to the ceremony or not as there were some people whom I don't wish to see (old hatred.. =S) and I have an unsecure feeling about this event.
But with much persuasion from my family and friends, I finally relented.
I am glad that I made the decision to go for the convocation as I was able to see classmates whom I have not managed to catch up with in a long time... =)
~ SwEeT MeMoRIeS ~

Its Eddy's 21st birthday today~!
Finally its the GOLDEN 21~! =)
It seems like yesterday when I first know him....hehe
Anyway we went to celebrate today (we've been celebrating this special day for the whole of the week)..
It was simple yet memorable for me. Hope it did for him too... =)

By Lixia
This is definitely one of those memorable turning point of my life.
I have perfect eyesight now~! Wahaha~!
All thanks to Lasik. =P
But this is not without price to pay.
Well, apart from the money, the most importantly is the "pain" I gotta go through.
Imagine some metal thing being placed on top of your eyeball and your eyes being pry open with some metal pliers. Felt like as if my eyeball was gonna pop out..=S
Despite me really looking forward to having perfect eyesight all over again, something I had not the chance to enjoy since Primary 1, I immediately began to regret once that freaking metal thing was placed ON TOP of MY eyeball.. =S
My god~! My eyes still twitch from all these thoughts.
In fact for the next couple of hours after the surgery especially when the anesthetic wears off from my eyes and I feel pain on them, all these thoughts just worsen the whole situation.. =(
Actually I was thinking of doing a couple of
All in the name of BEAUTY.
Not like as if I've none of the money, in fact the money is just there sitting there waiting to be used. But now...haiz..its the mental obstacle that I've to overcome.... =(
I've decided to give up such thoughts of beautifying myself.
Thou I still think that I am not pretty enough...

For the past 2 weeks I was not working but on exam leave. Have been feeling rather stressed thou.
This is not only coming from my exams stress but also from work.
Have been terribly disturbed every one day or two. Every day or two I will definitely get calls from the office asking me this and that. Making me feel like as if I would be at their mercy to be asked back to work despite me being on exam leave.
Why is it that I have to go through all this? I wonder how these leave-wreckers, be it the managers or whoever who calls to spoil others leaves like it if their leaves are being shortened and they being recalled back or when they keep receiving calls.
I've come to realise that people in my company like to recall people back when they are on leave or call to disturb them. What the hell~!!
And today, the BEST ultimate - my colleague asked me if I could go back to clear the mess that ANOTHER colleague had created. Solely for the lame reason that no one has the time to clear it up.
Why? Why is it me? I don't suppose I am the one who created this, am I? Why is it that when I asked her for help she told me that she has no time to help me, despite the manager asking me to pass SOME of my outstanding matters to her while I am on leave. When she said that she had no time to for me I graciously said it fine I will do it when I am back. Then now, what gives her the idea that I would be FREE to clear up the mess for her? Not that I am being vengeful as not to "help" her, but if I was so free to come back earlier from my leave I wouldn't be asking her for help in the first place, right?
For the past few weeks before my exam leave starts, I've been fighting so hard to get my leave. It is not as if I have not applied for it and it has not been approved. Fact is it has been approved long ago. I fought for it so hard that when my leave finally starts (1 day later than it should have been), I was terribly drained of energy.
I feel like I have been fighting a long war.
I guess that if it was not for darling's encouragement and Ah Hong's words of telling me to be firm in what I think and fight for what I think is right, I most probably would not even be having my exam leave. Probably still being exploited. Haiz...
Somehow it sets me thinking that is it like this in other companies too? Even in the big 4?
Wish someone could answer me on that... =(
Now that I am facing such a situation, I begin to wonder is it that I am TOO good (which I seriously don’t think so) or is it that I am TOO easy to "bully". I always see that my other colleagues around me having a much easier time than me; at least they are not like me having more and more work piled on them faster than they could handle anyone of them.
When I was schooling, I used to hear people say that the working world out there is ugly.
So ugly that you can't even trust your own friends in there.
Now I am slowly beginning to understand this saying.
With my coming to 1 year of working life, I am seeing more and more ugliness, people only caring about their own interest – making use of people whenever given the opportunity. But when help is required from you, they will give lots of cock and bull crap stories. Makes me depressed thinking of this.
Probably some may think that with my changed of attitude as compared to when I just started work it means that I am not a motivated as I used to be. But I can say that this is not true, I still love to learn as I work but I've got a limit too. I don't suppose that I could actually learn quite effectively when things are just pilling up on you with everyone and everything just SCREAMING out to get your attention for things to be done.
Guess with so much pent-up frustration and unhappiness and all its really time for me to move on and look for another job. Soon...