By Lixia
This is the first time in my whole life actually travelling out of the country with people other than my family members. Truely an exciting experience. =)
Being people with tight budget, we took the train bound for KL from Johor. I was nervous as there was so many people at the customs that I was afraid that I would get lost. And darling added to it, by insisting that I hold some money with me so that in case I got lost from him I could still be calm and get help. Hmmm..I don't know if I should say that he is insensitive or caring towards me.. =S
As the train was scheduled to leave the Johor train station at 10pm, we were worried of missing it thus we decided to walk across the causeway.
Wahaha..I would say that this trip gives me many "first-time". Never in my whole 23 years have I walked across this bridge. Pampered, I always had the priviledge to sit in the comfort of the car while others walk their breath out. But now, its my turn to get my toes dirty..haha
By the time we reached Johor, we still had some time to buy some food on the train. Darling bought lots of food and drinks like there was no tomorrow... =S
But can see the excitement in his eyes - with much anticipation for this trip. =D
But on my side, I just wanted to get to the station soon not only for the fear of missing the train but also for the fear of being robbed. We were very close to the petrol station where alot of Singaporeans got robbed or even murdered whilst they were pumping petrol.. =S
Makes me uncomfortable being there.. =S
But the let down for the night was that the train was late for almost 1 and a half hours. I was felt irritated that this was happening and yet there was nothing we could do as according to the train ticket it states that a refund will only be given when the train is TWO hours late~! OMG~! They actually give themselve such a BIG leeway.. =S
Well, guess there is nothing we could do except to sit there and feed the mosquitoes and feeling sticky all over.. =(
But finally the train came - much to my delight. Seeing the trains headlights is like seeing light at the end of the tunnel again... =P
Haiz..even the headlight is spoilt on one side. I miss MRT trains.. =S
Seem to see some faint orbs (According to some, orbs represents spirits.. =S) all over the pic..OMG. People killed from jumping on train tracks? =S
Took the special train - 1st class seating. Very spacious and clean. No money to take 1st class seating in plane at least I could try the train, still not too bad right? Haha
Too bad, this kind of trains only operate on peak periods such as public holidays.. =(
After a good rest, its morning and the train pulled to KL Central station.. =)
Didn't know that the train was that long. On observation, realised that its is very much longer than MRT trains. Endless... =S
I would say that we are very lucky as the weekend was a Formula 1 weekend and so we managed to get a glimpse of the ACTUAL Formula 1 racing car while on our way to the hotel. This display was just less than 10 mins walk from our hotel.. =D
Don't know what is this. But the staff there seems to take good care in cleaning its casing.. =S
Took many views of the car. Am too excited le. Even Darling bacame the victim of having to pose by the car. Notice his hair is so messy from sleep. Aww...poor thing..hehe
Finally, we reached the room. The view of the room is not too bad.. =)
Amazing grafitti at the side of the monsoon drain. Can't help taking a pic of it...
Opposite the street from Petaling Street - Chinatown in KL...
On the last day before we went back, we went to eat at this rather dirty alley. I was initially quite relutant to eat but with much persuasion from Darling finally relented. It does not taste so bad after all.. =D
On the whole I would say that this trip is rather memorable one for me. Although I would say that it is quite unlikely that I would visit KL again due to the fact that the transport system there sucks is always late and the people there are quite rowdy. =(
But certainly, I am looking forward to more of such trips to other places. Starting a holiday fund after this trip for such purpose... =)