With my remaining matters like payroll matters from my ex-company coming close to being settled, this serves as a relief for me & also an indicator that I can finally have a fresh start in my new Company. =)
In fact, guess what, I HIGHLY suspect that I will end up being the one compensating the Firm since I did not serve the one month's notice that is required of me. And for that I really can't be bothered. In fact if that toopid HR were to ever ask me for compensation I will take my own SWEEET time and pay up only when I FEEL like it...wahaha...
This will teach her a lesson for take her own bloody own sweet time to settle my leaves and her bad attitude...grrr~!
In addition to that, my examis just over & I am really keeping my fingers crossed as to what kind of rubbish grades I will be getting.. =S
But during this period, I also took the chance to go fro a short holiday to Hangzhou and Shanghai. Although my previous job requires me to travel to China regularly - sometimes even for practically the whole month but I necer really got a chance to enjoy China as I am simply too busy working my ass away in the hotel room.. =(
Mum and me went on a self-planned trip for 1 week.
A true luxury to me given the fact that I never really like , in fact I hated, tour groups.. =[
Anyway the weather in Shanghai and Hangzhou was superb - cool weather and too hot and sunny.. =P
Anyway, took some really great pictures for this trip..

We are getting married at last.
Finally this day has come for us.
Our wedding is held at a grand venue - the stadium.
There are so many well-wishers attending this grand event of the century.
I look so good. Bettet than even before. =P
I feel like I am the most fortunate person that ever lived on earth.
This wedding ceremony was carried out with the best wishes from my family. Something that I never thought would happen in my life.
But soon after the ceremony you became indifferent towards me. I am not your priority anymore. This made me heartbroken that I am not the only one you see.
And alas, we ended up in a tragic state - divorce. =(
I woke up in tears.
I pray hard that this will never happen in reality in our lives.
Will it? =S